Waigani Location Profile

Waigani Location Profile
Waigani Location Profile


Baim$1M - $2M
Rentim$0 - $0
Bilong Salim
Bilong Salim7 Homes
Bilong Rentim
Bilong Rentim12 Homes

Waigani Suburb, often referred to as Waga, is centrally positioned between Tokarara, Ensisi, Gordons, and Gerehu, located northwest of downtown Port Moresby and southwest of Jackson’s International Airport.

As one of the largest and most iconic suburbs in Port Moresby, Waigani is home to several notable landmarks, including the National Parliament, National Museum, National Library, Port Moresby National Arts Theatre, National Archives, Morauta Haus, and the newly refurbished City Hall.

The large population in Waigani can be both an advantage and a challenge, depending on one's perspective. Since the 2018 APEC Summit, the suburb has seen a significant boost in infrastructure development, with key projects including:

  • Independence Boulevard
  • The Convention Center
  • Koura Way, which connects Waigani and Hanuabada via Tokarara and June Valley
  • Keni Vani Road, linking Gerehu and Rainbow Estate with 8 and 9 Mile
  • Sir Manasupe Haus (formerly the Pineapple Building)

Things To Do in Waigani

Waigani is home to some of Port Moresby's most popular clubs and bars. Being centrally located, night clubs including the Cosmopolitan and Gold Club regularly host events or special performances. Hotels including the Stanley, Lamana and Holiday Inn provide quality facilities to host events including dinners and cocktails. 

Since the upgrade to the facilities for the 2015 South Pacific Games, the Sir John Guise Stadium has hosted many concerts and sporting competitions at night both at the main stadium and the indoor complex located within the same vicinity. 


Real Estate near Waigani

Suburbs in Port Moresby