Boroko East Location Profile

Boroko East Location Profile
Boroko East Location Profile


Baim$1M - $3M
Rentim$0 - $0
Bilong Salim
Bilong Salim3 Homes
Bilong Rentim
Bilong Rentim10 Homes

Boroko East is an area within Boroko itself covering the surrounding area of Bava Street. This area consists mostly of residential properties and schools with sport facilities including the Port Moresby Racquets Club and Bava Street Rugby Field.

You will find most residential homes in this suburb to be pre-independence built homes, built to Australian standards . These homes are mostly found on larger land plots averaging 800 - 1000sqm offering plenty of yard space for weekend gatherings or in more recent times, allowing for extensions or new apartment blocks to be built. 


Real Estate near Boroko East

Suburbs in Port Moresby