Editorial content

Real Estate Agents, Respond to Customer Needs and Succeed
Updated on: June 23, 2022, 6:05 a.m.
Published on: October 23, 2015, 10:28 p.m.
Housing Projects

Real Estate Agents, Respond to Customer Needs and Succeed

Learning from customers’ tastes and providing services that best suit their needs is a way towards enhancing the success of a business organisation. This is exactly what all locally owned real estate developer should be doing by offering the most preferred residential property types.

For example, Our Real Estate Ltd has been developing and marketing excellent residential houses to cater for the different market needs. The company has advanced well in the real estate industry in developing high quality residential homes including executive duplexes and split level executive houses to offer to the market.

It has recently diverted its attention to building more of low and high set standard-alone houses that most of their clients are asking for. Manager for Our Real Estate Ltd., Stanley Naime, revealed that apart from developing and marketing executive duplexes, the company will develop stand-alone houses to differentiate between duplex and the stand-alone houses.

“This is because when many of our clients come for inspections, they ask if we have any stand-alone house.”

“We learned that the demand for stand-alone houses is very high in the city. To cater for the demand, we will be developing 10-15 stand-alone houses on our project site in the next phase of our property development listings. We have 300 allotments to develop. We are trying to acquire enough land and expand our company into developing more residential as well as commercial properties for lease at very affordable prices,” Mr Naime said.

The company had already constructed 12 units in a gated compound at Rainbow Heights in Gerehu. Of those properties, ten units had already been occupied by corporate clients while two units are still awaiting clients to move in. All the units are well designed and maintenance-free unlike other kit homes that require regular maintenance.

The internal features of the units are well-designed and come with furnished brown and white goods, tiled ceramic floors, nice air-conditions, spacious kitchen and laundry areas to meet every client needs. The units are not for sale. They are all on rent. The upper units are renting at K1500 per week while the lower units are leasing at K 1200 to K1300 each week depending on the quality of the units.

“Market prices depend on the sizes and qualities of the units we have. Our units are of very high quality and they are ideal for corporate clients as our main target market. However, we do not necessarily restrict our properties only to corporate clients. Any client with sound budgets and reputable behavior can occupy the units,” Mr Naime said.

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